Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What a dog!!!! - The Bourne Ultimatum Reviews

The director of this movie should have to pay people to go see it. He took a decent story, good set locations, and what could have been incredible views and cinematography and turned it into a high budget Blair Witch Project. From the opening scene all the way to the final 2 minutes it was filmed like a home movie...except I attempt to hold the camcorder with less jerky motions. I literally left the theater with a headache and slightly queasy from the endless motion of the handheld cameras. There were not 5 minutes in the entire movie that were not filmed by handheld cams. The action scenes were filmed by a handheld camera chasing the actors through the scenes and from such a horrible perspective that you were so distracted by the annoying camera movement that you lost track of what was supposed to be interesting. The close up fight scenes were a un-watch able blur of fuzzy close-ups and indecipherable movements and actions. It really is a shame because the story, locations and acting were all worthy of a summer popcorn action movie, but left me feeling robbed and ill when I left the theater. If this movie makes any money after the opening weekend, it just proves the American public will gorge on anything set before it out of the sewer!

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