Friday, September 14, 2007

The director's shaking eye syndrome - The Bourne Ultimatum Reviews

The Bourne Identity was outstanding. The Bourne Supremecy would have been a great film if the camera remained in focus during the film, but instead it made the movie an audio file only because viewers could not figure out what the heck was going on by watching it! I don't know who the genius was that decided to shake the camera during the filming process, but I guess they were not aware that the human eye is actually able to focus while the body moves. They didn't even hold still for dialogue scenes! But lessons were never learned and they did it again with The Bourne Ultimatum. It could have been a great action movie with well choreographed stunts and an actually interesting dialogue, but yet again the camera constantly shakes during the film, making it a really long blur. So if you want a headache and don't really care about actually seeing the film, go see Ultimatum. If you don't enjoy hurting your eyes, save yourself $9 and stay home and do something else, anything else.

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