Friday, September 21, 2007

Unbearably bad movie making - The Bourne Ultimatum Reviews

Tried to watch Bourne Friday nite but was just unable to do it. The camera work is not just horribly bad, that would be too kind. The ENTIRE movie is shot as if an 11 year old child was given the camera and asked to "jiggle it a whole lot" perhaps to create the illusion of action. It never, never, stops jiggling. It looks at times, too, as if he was told to sneak up at times & try to peek between people's arms - but don't worry if half the lens is covered by their arm. Chase scenes are incomprehensibly blurry, maddeningly incoherent, annoyingly dijointed, you name it. There is NOTHING good about the camera work here. And it unequivically ruins the entire movie. There could be a good movie in there somewhere. I just couldn't watch it.

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